I have been challenged to do a partner search. But, what is this? As my instructor told us, a partner search is looking for partners and share my Open Educational Digital Project and find collaborative running projects where mine may fit in.
Partner Search de Beatriz Diaz
But, how have I done it?
Our instructor gave us some pages where we can join, so I was reading carefully each one. In some of them it was clear that my Open Educational Digital Project was not going to fit in. Instead, there were others that I think fit better, but at the end I decided that the best for me was The ESL times. I have chosen it because it seems me a very interesting blog with a lot of different ideas and topics; but there were specially the main goals the ones which made me decide for this blog:
- Writing with the four language skills: reading, listening, speaking and writing.
- Encouraging reading in English.
- Usign ICT when teaching/learning ESL.
- Promoting collaborative work, team work, autonomous work.
- Valuing the socicultural side of the English language.
My project has the same goals that's why I hardly believe that it fits with this blog.
In order to talk with the collaborators of the blog to accept me as a new partner, I have made a video explaining the reasons I think my project is interesting to participate in, this is, an elevator pitch.
But, what is an elevator pitch?
To a better explanation I have used Piktochart to create an infographic, that is, a representation of information in a graphic format designed to make the data easily understandable at a glance (definition by Piktochart). Here I leave you to take a look of it, hope you understand the process well.
And now I know how to make an elevator pitch here I leave you it, which is made with WeVideo, hope you like it!
If you want to take a look of the draft I have done to organize and to have in mind what to say in the elevator pitch, feel free to do it! I has not been so easy because of the time, but finally I made it!
Doing my partner search I have visited some interesting blogs such as The TWIMA project, Proyecto Colaborativo infoEDUgrafias or The Other Kids EDU. I have visited other great blogs but I name these three because of their great projects and because I think they can be useful for you in a future in order to have new ideas. At finally, I decided the blog The ESL Times because of their lots of ideas and their great goals. I really liked this blog so I hope they accept me as a partner!
As you can imagine reading my other posts, I am really in love with Canva since I started to know how to use it, so I have made an image to do this post more visual.
Also I have made for the first time an elevator pitch, I have explained it in the case anyone don't know what it is (as it was my case) and I did an infographic with Piktochart. If you want to know more about the elevator pitch and how to do it in a more detailed way you can read these pages that our instructor gave us and they are very clear: Crafting an elevator pitch, The 30 Seconds Elevator Speech and How to perfect your elevator pitch. I recommend you to take a look because they are explained in a very easy and very clear way.
According to the infographic, I decided to do it with Piktochart because I always use Canva but it was time of trying new apps in order to see what they can offer, so I did an infographic (another new word I have learned, so I have explained it in this post).
When I was ready with all of this information I started to do the video. I have used WeVideo to do it. It has been difficult for me but because I did not have experience but I think if in the future I continue using this app I am sure that I will be able to make great things. If you want to try it, it is available on the app store for free!
Hope you've enjoyed this post because it has seemed me very interesting and I have learnt a lot of new things!
See you soon!
Great post Bea! We both have chosen the same collaborative project so I found your post really worthy. Your elevator pitch is concise and clear, I love it.