Thursday, March 23, 2017

Flipped introduction

Hi everybody again! I want to share with you my first task in collaboration. I have done it with my peer in the Bilingual Master on Rey Juan Carlos University Beatriz Arance (you can visit her blog here). We have done an interview to each other, so now you have the opportunity to know her better!

How are we done it?
- First of all we thought about questions that we considered important in order to know someone: interests, future plans, description...
- Later, we recorded our personal answers using an iPad and audios for the questions using the iPad too.
- We wanted to use a computer program to do the video, so we uploaded all the videos and audios in Google Drive in order to have them in the computer.
- To edit and make the video we used Windows Movie Maker.
- When we got the video, I had to create a Youtube Channel to upload it. It is important to click a button where it is written: public, because in any other way, the video will not be able for everyone.
- After that, you upload the video, share the link in the blog (you can do it from Youtube, because they have an option that able you to do it) and now you are ready to post it here!

It can seem simple but I can asure that you can learn a lot of things doing this activity. Google Drive is still a big discovery for me, it is very useful, you can use it as a pendrive but in a much more comfortable way because with a click you can share your documents and got it in all of your devices. Also I did not know how to upload a video in YouTube, I had never done it, it is not so difficult, it was well explained to unexperience people like me.
One thing that called my attention is that it is very easy to share something from YouTube. Below the video you have many buttons of a lot of social networks where you can share the video. I would like to do something like this as a teacher in a class because I think it is a simple activity in which you are learning social skills, how to use some apps and enjoying at the same time; so, it is a very complete activity.

Hope you like it! See you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the effort and for enriching it!
    Best regards
